About Us.

Hey there, welcome to ctrl., we’re a dynamic content creator team on a mission to deliver top-notch quality and bring our extensive expertise to the table for extraordinary content. With a powerhouse of experience in video and photo production, we’re the creative minds you need.

We aim to be the ultimate one-stop-shop for visual content created for every formats. We love to be involved early in the process; in this way we maximize what we can do for our partners. We can thrive doing  from just capturing up to full-service productions including concepts, planning and execution as well as playing the part of the 2nd / Social Media unit in big production scenarios. We love collaborating – long or short term – and pursue the goal of making work and life easier for everyone we get involved with.

Our goal? To create content that not only informs but also excites and inspires. We’re all about crafting high-quality content that builds strong connections between brands and their audiences, and we’re committed to making that happen with every project.

Stay tuned and see what we can achieve together!


Represented by NO/Agency
+43 1 587 20 30 




For personal inquiries feel free to send us an email.



Thunder Films GmbH
Herzbergstrasse 124
10365 Berlin
